Production Status
Where is my board?! 
USA production – Batch 3 nearly completed
Last updated 4/22/23
All Batch 3 boards are pressed and ready for the final stage of production which is cutting them to shape and a final quality control. We were expecting these to be out before the end of the month, however there are a few boards that had some very minor cosmetic issues we are repairing, which should only add about a week or two delay. The cutoff for this batch is orders up to 1/14/21.
Be sure to check your email you ordered the deck with. If you have an address change since placing the order, please email us through our websites contact forum. Our inbox is very busy so please stay patient on our reply.
All remaining pre-orders will be in Batch 4. This includes any new orders up to the day we start production.
Emails & Customer Service
We apologize for the delays in email and social media responses. All of your inquiries are still in place and we will catch up on every email regarding changes to your order.
Remember, for order changes this must happen through email. if you reached out on social media and you have not received a response, please email us by responding to your order email receipt or using our websites contact forum.
Thank you from all of us at Lithe!
Most of you guys have been so patient even with all the delays, we’re extremely grateful with all the support we got through the pandemic restrictions. And even for the few that get frustrated, understand we are on the same boat as you. These massive delays are not easy on us, especially when we have no control over it. This is exactly why we want to produce products ourselves again.
-Greg & Mark Rosolowski